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About Us


Born and raised in Austria.


An intense life as a business consultant and project manager lead her to turn to yoga and meditation for inner peace and calmness.


Later, she found to her true calling in psychological counseling and systemic constellation work.


Born and raised in Spain.


Fatherhood at the age of 30 inspired a dramatic life change for him, leading him to walk a path of Yoga, Mindfulness and Vipassana Meditation.


In breathwork and "everything breath" he found his home.

Julia's Story

Hi, my name is Julia.

Originally, I come from a business background and used to successfully consult big companies for most of my working life. However, life had other plans for me...

Through several years of training and self-development, I attained several qualifications that enable me to offer you the tools and methods that made my own transformational process possible: I am a psychological counselor/ coach (Austrian license), systemic constellator, NLP trainer and yoga teacher by heart.

Given my roots and the schools and universities I have visited, I chose the save and obvious path for a long time of my life, mainly for two reasons. First, I always wanted to belong, which made me highly adaptable and distant from my own feelings, needs and dreams for most of my youth. Second, I had learned that achieving things is something highly regarded in our Western society as it was naturally in my family. Thus,
I always strived to achieve more, aiming for the highest position possible in the company I was working for, while at the same time completing training after training, basically to feel better about myself, to love myself.

While I didn't realize at the time that I was basically living a life that didn't feel like my own and that I was on an endless quest for finding self-love through achievements, constantly disrespecting my own limits, resources and the pain that was lying dormant beneath all of that,
I found myself shaken by a small but significant burnout that would change my life forever.

Over the years that followed, I learned to feel and get in touch with my body and my inner self through yoga, and gained clarity and experienced healing through therapy and systemic constellations. In addition to that, I went through an extensive NLP training program that enabled me to basically reprogram myself, freeing myself of repeating patterns that kept me in place and hindered my personal development and installing new ones, rewriting my own history to move forward to the life I really wanted for myself.

These experiences, coupled with loving partnerships, close friendships and my connection to spirituality led me to this day, to my purpose, which is to accompany you on your personal journey, using and providing you with the tools and methods that made me the free and happy person I am today.

"Don't go with the flow just for the sake of belonging. Don't refrain from dancing along for the sake of being different. Find, follow and dance to your own rhythm."

Santi's Story

Hi! My name is Santiago (Santi for short).

Meditation and yoga came into my life without a warning, without having asked for it, leaving nothing as it was before.

My transformational process begins several years before meditation and yoga appeared in my life, around the age of 30, when I was about to be a dad, marking a turning point in which I became strongly determined that "I want to be happy" and "I do not want to pass my miseries to my children", without really knowing what happiness means or how to get at "being happy".

The arrival of meditation and yoga was silent, progressive, unstoppable and accompanied by many small changes and adjustments in my life.

I completed a 9-months continuous training of Hatha Yoga at the "Asociación Sirio" located in Caudiel (Castellón).

I also received, on my own path of personal change, tools such as Mindfulness Meditation as I participated in a two-year training to become a Mindfulness Consultant at the "Escuela Española de Desarrollo Transpersonal", based in Madrid, specializing in "Mindfulness Transpersonal Education" – trainings endorsed and accredited by the "Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes".

I have attended two complete 12-day retreats of Vipassana Meditation at the "Dhamma Neru"
Private Vipassana Foundation based in Palau Tordera (Barcelona)... So, each day,little
by little, a continuous trickle of small change and transformation happened within myself,my
life and my circumstances, which I manage to turn my existence upside down.

I come from a very emotionally troubled past with different addictions (food, tobacco, work, drugs ...) and I can say from my personal experience that the practice of Yoga and Mindfulness, as a way of relating to life, changed me completely and placed me "here and now" – from where I can be happy and really started to be. For me, it has turned out to be a 100% effective method to eradicate my suffering.

I offer you to share my experience from the bottom of my heart in this path of conscious practice and liberation that is Hatha Yoga, combined with meditation techniques with full attention "Mindfulness". You can take from this and make yours whatever works for you, what serves you.

If you have already decided that you are going to be happy, you just need to know when and where!!

Our Qualifications

the sky is the limit, dream big, reaching for the stars, coaching

Psychological Counseling (AT) +
Neurolinguistic Programming

constelaciones sistémicas, connectedness, net, water drops

Systemic Constellation Work

triangle pose julia

Hatha Yoga + Yoga Nidra

Hatha Yoga

shanti hatha yoga headstand

Vinyasa Yoga

shanti downward dog beach

Transpersonal Mindfulness

mindfulness transpersonal meditation
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