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Writer's pictureJulia

The Eternal Spirit of the Student

“Los mayores avances no se hacen siendo un gran maestro; se consiguen siendo un gran alumno.” - La Desaparición del Universo, Gary Renard

Never stop #learning. Never stop being #curious. Don’t assume that you already know (everything).

… not coming from an attitude, a point of view of “I’m not enough”, from a belief that you need to “know” more in order to be someone, to be valuable.

… but from a state of #humility, a state of knowing that in actuality you don’t know. 

Your point of view (as mine) is only one of many, based on wherever and with whomever you grew up, based on your history and the one of your ancestors. 

Only by encountering new worldviews, different from our own, do we get the chance to expand our consciousness, to let go of judgement based on the idea that our #worldview is the (only) right one.

There is no right or wrong, there is just perspective. 

If I decide to close my eyes 👀 to what exists outside of “my world”, I will stay just there, in my little world (ok if you consciously choose to do so), separate from everyone and everything else. 

Or I could choose to open myself, to adopt an attitude of “I don’t know”, maybe one day coming to the realization that there is only One, one thought, one idea from which all the other ones came forth, all different sides of the same coin, the same source, leading to the conclusion that there is no need for separation after all.

Once I open my eyes to the idea of “I don’t know”, receiving-perceiving life with the eyes of someone who learns instead of knowing-it-all-already, I open myself up to guidance, to the wonders of life, to life itself.

Invite the sense of #wonder back into your life. Open your eyes instead of closing them. Let yourself #feel, #perceive, #beinspired.


Also we at Heartful Motion don’t know 😉 We just share whatever we learnt, whatever served and serves us on our path and always keep learning through whomever we meet, welcoming and accepting the perspective your bring to the retreats and time we share together 🙏🏻♥️ Feeling very grateful for being able to live this life’s journey.

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